Introduction to Quantum Information
Ref. QI0001
- Effort: 5 hours
- Pace: Self paced
- Lessons: 7
- Activities: -
This course is to communicate a basic understanding of the key concepts in quantum information and computing, to understand how these concepts come about and their consequences.
What you will learn
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
Know about
- Brief history of QI
- Why qubit?
- Entanglement
- Change of basis
- Superdense coding
- No-cloning theorem
- Quantum measurements
The aim of this course is to communicate a basic understanding of the key concepts in Quantum Information and Computing, to understand how these concepts come about and their consequences, and to prepare you for studying more specific or advanced topics in the field.
7 lectures and 1-2 hours of study per lecture
High School Math, Basic algebra;
Welcome to Quantum Mechanics I (recommended), Welcome to Quantum Mechanics II (recommended)
Course plan
Lecture 1: General Perspectives on Quantum Information
1.1 Introduction to the course
1.2 Why do we study quantum information
1.3 A brief history account
Lecture 2: What is a qubit? (review)
Lecture 3: Qubits and multi-qubit systems
3.1 Qubit and operators
3.2 Two-qubit systems
3.3 Bell states
Lecture 4: Superdense coding
4.1 The protocol of superdense coding
4.2 Decoding information
Lecture 5: Change of basis
5.1 Simple examples
5.2 General formalism
5.3 Transformation of state representations
Lecture 6: No-cloning theorem
6.1 Cloning leads to superluminal communication
6.2 Proof of no-cloning theorem
6.3 Remarks
Lecture 7: Bell's inequality and entanglement
7.1 Bell's inequality
7.2 Entanglement criterion
1.1 Introduction to the course
1.2 Why do we study quantum information
1.3 A brief history account
Lecture 2: What is a qubit? (review)
Lecture 3: Qubits and multi-qubit systems
3.1 Qubit and operators
3.2 Two-qubit systems
3.3 Bell states
Lecture 4: Superdense coding
4.1 The protocol of superdense coding
4.2 Decoding information
Lecture 5: Change of basis
5.1 Simple examples
5.2 General formalism
5.3 Transformation of state representations
Lecture 6: No-cloning theorem
6.1 Cloning leads to superluminal communication
6.2 Proof of no-cloning theorem
6.3 Remarks
Lecture 7: Bell's inequality and entanglement
7.1 Bell's inequality
7.2 Entanglement criterion
This course is part of a program
Course team
Dr. Dai Jibo
Scientific Project Coordinator (CQT, NUS) & Quantum Talent, National Quantum Computing Hub (NQCH)


The National Quantum Computing Hub

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