These courses and videos have been hand-picked for engineers, or anyone else interested in these topics.
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Welcome to Quantum Mechanics I

Why are there intrinsic probabilities for quantum event and how we get them from the quantum formalism? How do we describe quantum systems and how do we deal with their physical properties?
The National Quantum Computing Hub

Welcome to Quantum Mechanics II

In the second introductory course, we explore further two-qubit state space and entanglement. The concept of indistinguishability of fundamental particles are also discussed.
The National Quantum Computing Hub

Introduction to Quantum Information

This course is to communicate a basic understanding of the key concepts in quantum information and computing, to understand how these concepts come about and their consequences.
The National Quantum Computing Hub

Introduction to Quantum Computing

In this course, we introduce basic notions of quantum computing. Single-qubit and two-qubit gates are studied in details, followed by Deutsch, Deutsch-Jozsa, and Grover algorithms and teleportation.
The National Quantum Computing Hub