Dr. Dai Jibo
Scientific Project Coordinator (CQT, NUS) & Quantum Talent, National Quantum Computing Hub (NQCH)

- G. Maslennikov, S. Ding, R. Hablutzel, J Gan, A.Roulet, S. Nimmrichter, J. Dai, V. Scarani, D. Matsukevich. (2019). Quantum absorption refrigerator with trapped ions. Nature Communications10 202
- L.Y. Len, J. Dai, B.-G. Englert, Leonid A. Krivitsky. (2018). Unambiguous path discrimination in a two-path interferometer. Phys. Rev. A98 022110
- S. Nimmrichter, J. Dai, A.Roulet, V. Scarani. (2017). Quantum and classical dynamics of a three-mode absorption refrigerator. Quantum1 37
- B.-G. Englert, Kelvin Horia, J. Dai, L.Y. Len, H.K. Ng. (2017). Past of a quantum particle revisited. Phys. Rev. A96 022126
- A. Shu, J. Dai, V. Scarani. (2017). The power of an optical Maxwell demon. Phys. Rev. A95 022123
- J. Dai, L.Y. Len, H.K. Ng. (2016). Initial system-bath state via the maximum-entropy principle. Phys. Rev. A94 052112
- J. Dai, A.Roulet, Le Huy Nguyen, V. Scarani. (2015). Rectification of light in the quantum regime. Phys. Rev. A92 063848
- J. Dai, L.Y. Len, Y.S. Teo, B.-G. Englert, Leonid A. Krivitsky. (2014). Experimental detection of entanglement with optimal-witness families. Phys. Rev. Lett.113 170402
- J. Dai, L.Y. Len, Y.S. Teo, Leonid A. Krivitsky, B.-G. Englert. (2013). Controllable generation of mixed two-photon states. New J. Phys.15 063011

The Centre for Quantum Technologies

Quantum computing with Qibo: Basic matters

The National Quantum Computing Hub

Intermediate Quantum Mechanics I

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The National Quantum Computing Hub

Arrival Time of Photons

The National Quantum Computing Hub

Quantum Machines

The National Quantum Computing Hub