Impossible Machines in Quantum Mechanics
- Duration: 2 hours
- Effort: 3 hours
- Pace: Self paced
- Lessons: 4
- Activities: -
Course plan
- Machine 1: The Classical Translator
- Machine 2: The Cloning Machine
- Machine 3: The Joint Measurement
- Machine 4 -- The Correlation Telephone
Course team
Prof. Reinhard F. Werner
Dr. Dai Jibo

This video was recorded one week before the announcement of the 2022 Nobel prize, and refers to everything the prize was awarded for: The data of Bell violations on entangled photons, as done by Clauser and Aspect (Aspect is mentioned because he had the more solid statistics) and in the end the teleportation, as the combination of two impossible machines, for the realization of which Zeilinger was awarded the prize.
I used this sequence, which in passing covers several key aspects of quantum information, in my lectures on the subject from 1996 onwards. A written version is in my early article on Quantum Information Theory - an Invitation (, which was later published as a book chapter. I produced the initial animation of a perpetual motion machine, entirely in PowerPoint, for a talk on impossibility in Mathematics and Physics (Tübingen 2002).
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